10 essential Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts
10 essential Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts
Search for anything + S Get personalized results to search for people, email, files in local and shared sites, or info from the web.
Take a screenshot + Shift + S Capture and mark up all or part of your PC screen or any image, then save and share.
Access clipboard history + V Save recent copied or cut items on the clipboard so you can paste them in other apps or sync across devices.
Talk instead of type + H Use speech recognition to convert spoken words into text anywhere on your PC.
Express yourself with emoji + . Search for small images, symbols, or icons to express emotions or communicate playfully without words.
Clear window clutter + D Quickly access the desktop window behind all other windows that hosts computer icons for files and folders.
Lock your screen + L Quickly lock your screen to prevent others from accessing your computer.
Quickly switch tasks + Tab Display and switch between open windows or multiple workspaces.
See activities across your devices for the past 30 days with timeline.
Snap windows side by side + or perfectly snap windows to the sides without the need to resize and position them manually.
Quickly change settings + A Access app notifications and commonly used settings—or quick actions— in a single pop-up sidebar.
For more information, visit aka.ms/WindowsShortcuts